The adventure begins, I officially retired Friday, April 2, 2021. For the first time in over 20 years, I don’t have a job. I made the commitment when I set my retirement date, I would treat writing as my job. Now it is time to put my commitment into practice. It may take a while to get my schedule worked out, but I feel like I made a good start today. The plan has been to spend time in the mornings writing or editing my novel. The in the afternoons I will work on my blog or remodeling my office or working on improving my craft, (as it is called in writing lingo). Today, the first workday since my retirement, I have successfully followed the plan. Though I got up later than planned, I spent several hours editing two chapters in my novel. Now this afternoon I am trying to put together a new blog post. Additionally, over the weekend I did some minor tweeks to my website. Though if I don’t get anyone visiting the site, it won’t matter. In addition to the website, and the tentative schedule, I have joined the American Christian Fiction Writers group, (ACFW). The local chapter offers a weekly email critique group. Other than one submission I made last year, I have not been able to get anyone, not even my wife, to read and give me honest feedback on my writing. Of course, my hope is that everyone will love my story and think I am a great writer.  But, if you have been reading my blogs, you know that is not true. I hope to share some excerpts from my novel in this blog after I hone some of my writing skills. If this is your first time visiting my site, please leave a comment, and if you like what you have read sign up to get notified of new posts. This will help me develop the site.