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Tag: Pets

Dogs I Have Loved Part IV – Training Bailey

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Over the summer, many of my posts have dealt with our various dogs. All the dogs mentioned, except Bathsheba, lived with us for ten or more years and provided companionship and love to my family. We learned different lessons from each of them and, as a family, learned about the unconditional love dogs provide to the important people in their lives. I mentioned in my last post that Lizzie was perhaps the best dog we owned because of her temperament and training. It took us many years to learn the importance of training our dogs. Now, I would not own a dog if I couldn’t spend the time and the money to train it. They deserve the chance to be the best dog they can be. This is especially true for our current dog Bailey.

Lizzie Portrait

When we first brought Bailey home the one word that best described her personality was fearful. I wrote about the issues we had with her in earlier posts, Bringing Home Bailey, Bailey Becomes My Dog and Wiley Coyote. Fearful is no longer her primary personality characteristic. Though she still shies away from dogs and people she doesn’t know and is still afraid of fireworks, thunder, and other loud noises, Update, and Bailey’s Reaction to Fireworks. The words I now use to describe her personality are intelligent, diligent (stubborn), and affectionate.

Bailey when we first got her
Bailey just after we brought her home.

Bailey is very intelligent, because of her German Shepherd and Australian Cattle Dog heritage. She trained easily and often anticipates commands. I can walk her on the leash without her pulling, though she was not taught the Heel command. In training, (Have a Nice Dog), we used the command With Me, meaning I want her to walk with me at my side though walking slightly ahead or behind without being in the ideal Heel position is fine. I walk her twice a day. In the mornings we usually walk in the neighborhood with her on the leash. If she gets too far ahead or behind, I only have to reinforce the With Me command and she corrects with the verbal command. In the afternoon, I take her to one of our neighborhood parks. At the park, I let her off-leash to chase the squirrels or smell around. She wanders a short distance away. But if there are people around or another dog, I tell her With Me, and she comes beside me just as if she were leashed. We can pass other dogs on the sidewalk without any issues on her part.

I had her in agility classes where she handled everything except the teeter-totter. She is uneasy with unstable surfaces, but I am sure we could have trained her to do it if we had continued. But stopped agility training when my hips acted up. My wife also taught her to say I Love You, ar woo roo, after watching too many YouTube videos showing dogs talking. Bailey knows she gets a treat if she says it and will use it to ask for one. She will also say it if my wife and I hug or cuddle.

Bailey Wondering What I am Doing
Bailey Looking at Me

She is diligent watching constantly out the window for any threat, Bailey the WatchDog – German Shepherd/Cattle Dog Mix. Her favorite position in the living room is sitting on the love seat with her front legs and head up on the back looking out the front window. She will occasionally go to the back room and look out into the backyard to make certain no squirrels or birds have invaded her space. She will bark at anyone who walks by the house and gets very protective when delivery people, mailmen, or salespeople come to the house. She is stubborn because she knows I don’t want her to be so vocal, especially when people are just walking by or when the mailman comes to the house. If I am in the living room all tell her to get down, because she is standing on the back of the love seat, she will sit on the love seat in her normal position and make a moaning noise instead of barking. It is like she is saying I know I am not supposed to do this, but it is so hard.

Bailey Looking Out the Front Window
Bailey on Guard

Bailey is by far our most affectionate dog, though she is not a licker. First thing in the morning, when she is let out of her kennel, she sits next to my bed wanting me to pet her and love on her. Not just a quick pat but several minutes of petting her head and neck and telling her she is a good dog. If I try to hurry it, she will just sit there until she is satisfied. The same thing holds true if I have been out. Excited to see me she shows her excitement through spinning and coming against me, but she really isn’t satisfied until she settles down and I pet her. She needs physical contact to reassure her, and it reminds me of the actions of wild dogs in nature videos when a pack member returns to the den.

Often in the evening when we are sitting watching TV, she will sit in front of me begging me to get down on the floor and pet her. This is when she really likes to have her belly rubbed. When I get down on the floor, she will lay beside me and roll over so I can pet her belly. After a little while, she will get up and go lie on the floor or the love seat letting me know she has had enough and is ready to relax until bedtime. Any other time I get down on the floor, it is playtime which makes it hard for me to exercise on the floor. At other times. she will come and lean against me when I am sitting at the table, my desk, or out on the deck wanting me to pet her.

Bailey lying in the Living Room
Bailey relaxing in the living room

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Dogs I Have Loved Part I

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As far back as I remember, I have always been a dog person. I like cats just fine and we have owned several, though I am allergic to them, I prefer dogs. The first dog in my life was Princess. Before we moved into town, we lived North of the city in a place we called the Colonels. It was between Colorado Springs and Monument and West of the highway. Since I was young, I don’t remember a lot of details about the place except that it had an irrigation ditch running on one side and near to the house was an apple orchard. It was a good place for small kids to play outside with no traffic to worry about. However, we had rattlesnakes. One day, my brother and I were playing outside, and Princess started barking and raising a ruckus. When my mother came out to see what the fuss was about and got to Princess, she saw the rattlesnake coiled close to where we were playing. She killed the snake, and I am sure was grateful to Princess for alerting her of the danger.

Princess with my brother and me
Princess with me and my brother 1958

Another hazard of living in the country was porcupines. I don’t know what it is about porcupines and skunks, but dogs just can’t seem to leave them alone. I am not clear about all the details, but one evening Princess came in with a face full of porcupine quills. My dad got the pliers and, leading Princess to a doorway, had my mother hold the door closed on Princess’s neck. He then pulled the quills out of her face and mouth while the dog and both of us kids cried.

Princess and my dad
Princess with my dad 1955

After we moved into town, I remember watching Princess have puppies in the basement of the house we were living in on the Westside of Colorado Springs. She was a wonderful dog, and we had her from the time I was one or two years old until after I entered Junior High School (Middle School now). After Princess, we didn’t get another dog, but we had a cat.

I didn’t get another dog until after I married. My wife and infant son lived in a small, rented house in Colorado Springs when we got Bathsheba. She was a black German Shepherd puppy full of energy. Though not purebred, she looked like it. Unfortunately, she either jumped the fence or someone took her from our front yard, and we never saw her again after having her for only a short time.

Not long after we lost Bathsheba, we got our next dog, Fidora. She was a Saint Bernard Mix. A large, very furry dog that we did not allow in the house. I have a lot of regrets about Fidora. She was a good dog but had to stay chained outside since we did not have an adequate fence even after we moved into our current home. When I think about it now, I feel like we really deprived not only her but also ourselves of the companionship she would have offered. Occasionally she would get loose. This was only a problem when the neighbor a few houses up the street would go by and she would act aggressively toward him for some unknown reason. He thought it was because they had several cats, but I’m not sure that was it. I think dogs are like people and just don’t get along with some people or some other dogs. When we put Fidora down because she had cancer, it caused a lot of sadness in the house with the kids crying and mourning her passing.

Fidora as a puppy with my son
Fidora with my son on a camping trip in the early 1970s

We have since had four more dogs, including our current dog, Bailey. I will spend a little time on each of them in the upcoming blogs. But we did allow each of them into our home as a part of our family, which is what I remember my family doing with Princess. Dogs have so much love and companionship to offer it is wrong to not allow them into your life if you are going to own one.

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