This week I am taking a side trip with my blog. Instead of focusing on Bailey or my family or my journey to become an author, I want to talk about an amazing television series, The Chosen. ( Click here: The Chosen TV Series ( The series created by Dallas Jenkins focuses on the life of Jesus as seen through the eyes of those who knew him. It is said to be the largest crowdfunded media project of all time, and currently has two full seasons available for streaming with additional seasons planned.

I am not a film or media critic by any means, nor am I a biblical scholar, but I have been a Christian for most of my life and have read through the Bible several times. My personal belief is the scriptures were written as a tool for each of us to understand God’s will for mankind. This means we don’t have to have a degree in theology or require a professional theologian’s interpretation to understand the Bible. At various times in my life, I have taught Sunday School and led different church ministries. So from this background, I want to offer my endorsement of The Chosen television series.
Several months ago my wife and I watched season one. We typically would watch it on Sunday evening and go through two to four episodes at a time. We were very disappointed when the channel we were using did not have the second season available, though it was complete. We learned from a friend that she was able to watch the second season so I did a search on my Roku device to see if it was available. It was and I added the channel so we could watch season two which we started last night with the first three episodes. I find the program emotionally moving in its representation of Jesus and those around him. It is, of course, a work of fiction providing fictional back stories to the characters from the gospels. What I like most about these back stories it they present the characters in a truly believable and appropriate manner. There is resentment among the disciples especially against Matthew, the tax collector, whom some of the Jewish disciples view as a traitor. Their expectations of the Messiah don’t agree with the truth of His mission and they don’t always understand His willingness to accept and associate with Samaritans or even Pharisees. Even small things, like the women followers having to fix the meals for the rest of the disciples, lend to the believability of the program. It also seems scripturally accurate in the events and words of Jesus, and a familiarity with the gospels will add to the enjoyment of the program. I highly recommend the series to every Christian, especially those who, like me, struggle with much of the mainstream media’s politically correct representation of Christian values. If you click on the link above to find The Chosen, there will be a tab to Pay It Forward, where you can contribute to the crowd funding effort for future seasons.
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