August turned into a busy and exciting time for me. Early in the month, my eldest daughter married her long-time beau. They both appeared thrilled. Both had previous marriages that didn’t work out contributing to the long pre-marriage relationship. Then at the end of the month, my wife and I celebrated our fifty-fourth wedding anniversary. I am still amazed that God could take two selfish and naïve hippies and join them together in a lasting, loving, and mutually beneficial relationship.

Lightning’s Edge
In the middle of the month, I received the final cover design for my second novel. Though I thought of waiting until after the first of the year to release it, I set the tentative release date to mid-November. I uploaded the manuscript to Kindle Direct Publishing and ordered a proof copy of the paperback. My wife will read through it, acting as a final proofread before publishing. Next month, I will reveal the cover and hopefully have a video or pictures showing the proof copy.

Between now and November advanced reader copies (ARC’s) will go out so that on the release date the readers can post reviews on Amazon. Getting reviews on Amazon is very important to sales for the book. My first novel has only five reviews. The minimum requirement for Amazon to take the reviews seriously is 20, and if a book gets 100 five-star reviews, Amazon will put it in front of more people, increasing sales. So, if you have read Salvation and Doom, write a review.
Salvation and Doom Sequel
I have started writing the sequel to Salvation and Doom. The plan is to publish it late next year if I complete it in time. The sequel seems to be harder to write than the original even though it revolves around many of the same characters. But, thinking about it, Salvation and Doom took seven years to write. Long Journey’s End – Moving from Writer to Author
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